Covid-19 and our business

March 18th, 2020

Dear Valued Musical Customers,

Thank you for joining our many loyal customers these past 74 years. We would like to show our loyalty to you by staying open for your musical needs. We have many electronic ways of doing this in keeping all of our safety in mind.

If you do choose to come to our store personally, we have taken some new precautions to follow recommended public safety regulations. We know that you are concerned about COVID-19 situation as we are. We are doing everything possible and necessary to ensure our two locations have clean and safe environments during this crucial time. These are the steps Day Murray Music is taking for the safety and protection of our employees and customers.

  • As of March 17, 2020 you may use our drive-up service. This is located on the south side of our Murray store. You may call ahead and prepay. Please call again when you have arrived and we will bring your order out to your car.

In Murray call: 801-266-3537

  • Customers trying out our instruments must first wash their hands with soap and water.
  • We regularly and continually disinfect high-traffic touch areas on our outside entrances and inside our store counters, phones, faucets, door knobs, and door frames.
  • All employees and customers are required to wear face coverings.
  • Our employees are required to wash their hands a minimum of once every hour.
  • We obey the social distancing rule of standing  6 feet away. (You will be greeted from a distance and be directed throughout the store in like manner.)
  • Anyone with flu-like symptoms or who knowingly have been exposed to the virus, whether they be employees or customer, please stay at home. Customers with a cough or a sneeze will be asked to wait in their car while we process their order and then deliver it to them.
  • We would love to serve your every musical need through a phone call and our company text. We mail out all over the U.S.A.. Even to you!
  • During this time, returns will only be put towards store credit- no cash back or card refunds.


  • We have recently launched our updated Sheet Music Authority Website. As always, we are happy to fill your on-line orders.

  • Feel free to use our new Text Line. Our Day Murray Team stands ready to answer your text. We welcome your texted questions or orders and will get back to you as soon as possible. Be sure to inform us where you want your order to be delivered – either by mail, or for pick-up at our Murray store.

Text: 801-266-3537

  • Our temporary store hours are Monday – Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm until further notice.

*Our ever-popular workshops have been postponed. We will begin working in September to get them rescheduled.  Get yourself on our list now for up-coming workshops and you will receive further notifications and updates.


Our Warm Regards goes out to every customer. Stay well!

The Day Murray Music Team