Book Binding

October 1st, 2019

Spiral binding books with a soft cover has been a part of our business for almost 15 years. We know how to do it and we do it well. Years ago we would hear customers say, “I wish music books would stay open on my piano”.  We agreed, and since we’ve begun this service, we have seen the benefits from it. Books last longer and the binding makes it easier to keep the book open without breaking the spine. This helps concentration while playing because people can focus on reading the music instead of trying to balance the book.

The binding process can be done within minutes. Most books are completed and you are on your way in five minutes or less!. In some cases, such as large quantities, books with lots of pages, or books with worn covers, may take longer. In these cases we will give an estimate on how long it will take, and will give the customer a call once it is done. Some folks bring a large stack of books to be bound, others request bindings for books they just purchased. Either way we are happy to help; from something brand new to an old treasure- bring it on in!
Prices start at $2.95 and depend on how many pages the book has. We can bind even bind books as large as one inch thick!


~Phillip, Former Store Manager