Studio Connect and Music Teachers
September 1st, 2019
For student music and method books, Day Murray Music is the place to go! We have the most complete selection of method books you’ll find anywhere in the state, not only including the best selling Faber and Faber “Piano Adventures” series, but also tried and true ‘oldies’…from Aaron to Wohlfahrt and everything in between.
We love our teachers and feel a strong desire to be a support and resource for them in any way we can. To help meet that goal we’ve piloted a program called “Studio Connect”. One benefit of this currently free service is convenient ordering through email or text anytime a student needs books or supplies. We’ll compile whatever is needed, contact the student or their parent to let them know the order is ready for pick-up, and even extend a discount on method supplies ordered by the teacher! This has saved a lot of hassle, time, and money for teachers and students alike, and is being met with enthusiastic responses.
For more information on our website, go to the home page and click the “Teacher Resources” section.
You can also call the Murray store at 801-266-3537 or
email: for any other questions.
~Laurel, Studio Connect Manager